torstai 23. tammikuuta 2020

Hyvää ystävän päivää–Happy Valentine’s Day–С днем святого Валентина

Tänä vuonna en suunnittele uutta ystävänpäiväkorttia, koska niitä on aikaisimmilta vuosilta kertynyt jo melkoinen määrä, enkä usko että lukija olisi ne jo kaikki käyttänyt. Voit ladata itsellesi ystävänpäiväkorttikokoelmani osoitteesta

Korttien yksityiskäyttö on ilmaista.

Alla kollaasi ja diaesitys korteistani.



Ystävänpäiväruno, joka löytyy myös kokoelmasta


Ilman sinua

Ilman sinua
en olisi kirsikkapuu,
joka ankaran talven jälkeen
puhkeaa keväiseen kukkaan.
Minun oksani eivät kestäisi
raskasta lumista taakkaa,
ei silmut avaisi silmiään,
lehdet aaltoilisi aallon lailla.
Liian harvoin kai kuiskaan,
että sinun kädestäsi kaarnani
kiitosta väreilee.
© Yelling Rosa

Kokoelmasta löytyy myös pelkkä runon korttipohja, jos haluat itse kirjoittaa runon ystävällesi.

Ystävänpäiväfanfaarini melodia on helposti omaksuttavissa ja voit kirjoittaa itse sanat sävelmään, jos haluat, tai tehdä aivan kokonaan oman laulun ystävällesi.

Suurenna kuvaa klikkaamalla.
Please enlarge the picture by clicking.

Hyvää ystävänpäivää kaikille lukijoilleni ja heidän läheisilleen!

Happy Valentine’s Day Fanfare



NOTE: If you like my Valentine’s Day Fanfare, please listen to it by clicking this link because it doesn’t get views while playing on this page. Maybe you could think to share it forwards.

Happy Valentine’s Day

This year, I am not going to design a new Valentine’s Day card, as I have already designed quite a few of them in recent years, and I do not think you, my dear reader, would have used them all. You can download my Valentine’s Day card collection at
Postcards are free for private use.

Vallentine’s Day Collage



You’ll find all these card from my collecition.

My Valentine’s Poem in Finnish



The Valentine’s Day Poem in English:

Without you
I wouldn’t be a cherry tree
That after a harsh winter
Bursts into spring bloom.
My branches wouldn’t carry
The heavy snowy load
No buds open their eyes,
The leaves roll like the waves.
Too seldom I’m telling you:
How you make my
Bark glittering.
© Yelling Rosa

Here’s the card without text if you like to add your own wishes

Happy Valentine’s Day to all my readers and their loved ones!

С днем святого Валентина


С днем святого Валентина моим читателям

tiistai 14. tammikuuta 2020

слишком много плохих вещей в моей жизни - Too Many Bad Thing in My Life - Troppe cosas mal in mi vita

слишком много плохих вещей в моей жизни

Я видел слишком много плохих вещей в моей жизни
и из-за этого я грустный и усталый.
Я обрезан депрессивными людьми
и я вынужден бояться
что они совершают самоубийство.
В любом случае у меня нет сил
чтобы утешить их.
Я положил мою голову в песок
и пытаюсь забыть
© Yelling Rosa
14/1 –20

Too Many Bad Thing in My Life

I’ve seen too many bad things in my life
and because of this I am sad and tired.
I’m circumcised by depressed people
and I have to be afraid
they commit suicides.
In any case, I have no strength
to console them.
I put my head in the sand
and try to forget
© Yelling Rosa
14/1 –20

Troppe cosas mal in mi vita

Io ha vidite troppe cosas mal in mi vita
et a causa de lo io es triste et fatigate.
Io es circumferite per homines
depresse et io debe timer
que illes suicida se.
In omne caso io ha non fortia
pro dar consolation a les.
Io pone mi capite in arena
et face un effortio
pro negliger
© Yelling Rosa
14/1 -20

torstai 12. joulukuuta 2019

Joulu; Christmas; Рождество 2019

Tämän joulukortin yksityiskäyttö on sallittua eli voit lähettää sitä sukulaisillesi ja ystävillesi.

Enkeli taivaan lausui näin

Enkeli taivaan laulun melodia
on kansanperinnettä. Saksalaiset sanat Martin Luther. Suomennos Hemminki Maskulainen.

Voit soittaa Enkeli taivaan laulun 4 –reikäisellä huuliharpulle. Numerot tarkoittavat huuliharpun reikiä. @ –merkki tarkoittaa että puhallat reikään ja £ että vedät henkeen reiän kohdalla.

Voit suurentaa nuotteja avaamalla ne uuteen välilehteen.

Voit tilata oheisen huuliharpun osoitteesta:

Löydät lisää lauluja, joita voit soittaa neljäreikäisellä c –harpulla osoitteesta:


  This card is free for private use. If you wish to add your wishes, please use the postcard below.

Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her, the video has English Subtitle


Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her


You can play this song with the four-hole harmonica, which you can buy for 6,30 € at

Numbers symbolize the holes in the harmonica. The @ sign means that you must blow and £ sign that it is your time to draw.

You can enlarge the music sheet by opening it in the new tab.

Бесплатно для частного использования.


maanantai 2. joulukuuta 2019

Я вижу как море нападает–The See's Attacking-Näen kuinka meri hyökkää

Я вижу
Как море нападает
На скалу мою.
Это страшно.
Хотя шхеру* из камня,
Я не могу жить под водой.
© Yelling Rosa
2/12 -19


Words in Finnish

Words in Russian

Words in English

Notes in English


море, n.


mope => sg. acc.




also figurative

hyökätä (jnk kimppuun)

нападать / напасть на кого

Attack on s.o. or sth


скала, f.


скалу => sg. acc.


мой, моя, моё, мои


мою => sg. acc. fem.




adverb or particle






шхера, f.


шхеру => sg. Acc.


островок, m.


островок => sg. acc.


страшен, страшна, страшно

terrible, scary; ugly


стра́шно (strášno)

  1. short neuter singular of стра́шный (strášnyj)


камень, m.

камня => sg. gen.

torstai 21. marraskuuta 2019

Joulupuu on rakennettu–Christmas Tree – Рождественская елка

I upload this article here now in good time so that people will be aware of it this Carol in English at this Xmas. The annually Christmas Post Card will come later on.

Joulupuu on rakennettu -laulu on julkaistu vuonna 1876. Tuolloin vanha suomalainen kansanlaulu sai ensimmäiset jälkipolville tutut sanansa, jotka kirjoitti kirkkoherra Gustaf Oskar Schöneman (1839 – 1894). Laulu oli osa Uusi Kuva Aapinen –kirjaa.

Säestykseni on tarkoituksella se perinteinen, jonka me kaikki suomalaiset olemme koulussa kuulleet.  Uskon, että näin säestys palvelee parhaiten niitä, jotka haluavat laulaa säestyksen kanssa joko suomeksi tai englanniksi.

You can enlarge The Music Sheet by opening it in New Tap.

Christmas Tree song (Joulupuu on rakennettu) is old Finnish folklore. It became a Christmas Carol in 1876 when Vicar Gustaf Oskar Schöneman (1839 – 1894) wrote words for it. Children have always liked the song. They want to sing it while dancing around the Christmas tree. My accompaniment is very traditional, and I believe that it is the best option when you want to learn the song in English.

Песня рождественской елки (Joulupuu on rakennettu) – это старый финский фольклор. Он стал рождественским гимном в 1876 году, когда викарий Густав Оскар Шенеман (1839 – 1894) написал для него слова. Детям всегда нравилась песня. Они хотят петь, танцуя вокруг елки.

PS    Gustaf Oskar Schönemanin kirjailijanimi oli G. O. Schönemann.
PPS Gustaf Oskar Schöneman’s pen name was G. O. Schönemann

keskiviikko 23. lokakuuta 2019

Käydään pieninä – Let Us Be Tiny – так небольшой

Käydään pieninä

Käydään niin pieninä,
ettei satu olemassaolo,
rakastellaan ja rukoillaan,
että tästä hyvää syntyy.
© Yelling Rosa

23/10 –19

Let Us Be Tiny

Let us be so tiny
It doesn't hurt to
Be around alive.
Let us make love
And let us pray
That we'll give
Good birth.
© Yelling Rosa
23/10 –19

так небольшой

Давай будем так
Это не больно
Быть живым.
Давай займемся любовью
И давайте помолимся
что мы дадим
Хорошее рождение.
© Yelling Rosa
23/10 –19

tiistai 15. lokakuuta 2019

More Action Less Talk

I watched the TV report young people against climate change this weekend in Finland. Reporters interviewed some of them, and it revealed that their knowledge was limited. They shifted responsibility to decision-makers. On the other hand, some journalists seemed amused by the energy of the youngsters. Then there was this Swedish environmental activist, Greta Thunberg, who gave a fiery speech at the United Nations Climate Change Conference on 23 September 2019. He openly accused adult people partly with reason, but the accusation is no more than a charge, whereby the goal itself is buried under the finger of the index.

The world is in a position where everyone has to give up comfort and come up with constructive suggestions to bring about change. Moreover, these changes must begin immediately. For example, when detecting the harmfulness of private motoring, governments could adjust the dates for prohibiting private motoring. These and other similar decisions would get people used to what purer living means instead of blaming.  In reality, very few people have to use a private car in Finland for business trips.
I wondered how goods are thrown into the trash when there is only one small broken particle. To reduce this, the European Union should develop standards defining standards for serial production parts. This way, all computer cases would be matched, all batteries would work on all similar devices, operating systems should work on all processors, so this incompatibility would not leave the devices in boxes or landfill. The ballpoint pen cartridges would fit into all pen cases, and the top and bottom of the pens would be standardized for twisted standards. These recyclables would create enormous jobs, and in the future would no longer necessarily sell whole equipment but only parts that a new profession would install. The consumer would not buy the device, but for a particular kind of overall service. As this increase in recycling would reduce manufacturers' income, they should be allowed to implement this change.

The governments should regulate Holiday tourism by setting a kilometer or emission limit for an individual. Buying these kilometers from other people must also be made impossible. Otherwise the poor would sell them to the better-paid ones. The need for such restrictions would be eliminated if the vehicles became pollution-free. The device manufacturers' promises of less polluting cars should not be taken as actions to slow down climate change. Global activity is almost criminal because it slows down and often also eliminates local production of services and products and recycling of parts.
While these suggestions may not be the best ones, they are a step in the right direction. Implementing change is the most challenging step in combating climate change. An action that everyone hates and accuses each other of taking more significant steps to combat practical steps. Sure, this is not a conscious activity, but in the face of change, emotions are on the surface so that excesses will come. Besides, an attack is the best defense. Now, however, the world is at the point that it cannot attack but merely defend the right of future generations to exist.

This writing started with a poem that marvels at human beings. It goes like this

I don't know why human beings are so strange.
The world is in its death bed,
But human beings only invent excuses
Why changes are impossible to realize.
Juveniles accuse adults
And adults say youths are dreamers.
Both sides think that we should not save
The world as those people hurt earth more
Than us.
© Yelling Rosa
2/10 -10

PS Maybe one of the readers is wondering if that guy can afford to suggest more difficult things to people's lives. He/she is right in the sense that we all are destroying our nest here. Don't worry, yes, I love amenities and suffer the loss, but now we are in a situation where attitudes have to change.


The consumption virus

Please enlarge the picture by clicking it!

Do you know what this is?

It is a consumption virus that lives almost in every person's veins in the world. It hates everything that stops consumption and whispers to master animal's ear why people can't hold down consumption. One of its most persuasive arguments is that you can't go backward. In its view, increasing human resources is an absolute move into the Dark Ages. Even for the Stone Age, says the consumption virus.

Despite the efforts of responsible people, the impoverishment of the earth and the rape of the climate continue. The viruses tell to their disease carriers to call those environment activists as the modern-day destroyers. Every time the disease carrier manages to win the debate, the virus lays more eggs to master's cells. However, I wonder whose greed and thoughtlessness these creatures drink when people have disappeared from the planet. Perhaps then they are happy and sit on the top of the hill, saying, "We are the last to ride to the sunset."

The picture is an enlargement of the consumption virus.

PS Usually, viruses don't lay eggs, but these are weird.