torstai 10. joulukuuta 2020

Ilmainen joulukortti 2020; Free Chritmas Card 2020

Tämä kortti on vapaasti käytettävissä ei-kaupallisesti.
Suurenna kuva uuteen välilehteen klikkaamalla korttia.













The card below is free for private use.
Click the image to large it to a new tab.


With these cards, I wish all my readers, Merry Christmas!

maanantai 7. joulukuuta 2020

Vakavuus; Seriousness; Серьезность

Usein vakavuus hymyilee kauniimmin kuin nauru.
© Yelling Rosa
30/11 –20

Often seriousness smiles prettier than the laugh.
© Yelling Rosa
30/11 -20

Часто серьезность улыбается красивее, чем смех.
© Yelling Rosa
30/11 -20


keskiviikko 4. marraskuuta 2020

Free Happy Birthday Card 2020 and 2021

I designed a birthday greeting card for one of my friends. It came out so well that you might also like it and congratulate your friend by sending a card. I enclose a card template here so that you can add your greeting yourself. Adding text is comfortable with the free PhotoScape X software.

Please enlarge the card by opening it in a new tab.

20.10.20 Happy Birthday B 2011 B 

Suunnittelin eräälle ystävälleni syntymäpäiväonnittelukortin. Se onnistui omasta mielestäni sen verran hyvin, että sinä saattaisit pitää siitä ja onnitella ystävääsi lähettämällä kortin. Oheistan tähän myös korttipohjan, joten voit itse lisätä oman tervehdyksesi. Tekstin lisääminen käy mainiosti ilmaisella PhotoScape X -ohjelmalla.

20.10.20 Happy Birthday B

The video below shows how to add text in PhotoScape X.


If you find this video useful, please like it on YouTube. Because I haven’t made it like here doesn’t make any good for the video and its editor.  Open on YouTube.


sunnuntai 11. lokakuuta 2020

Close My Eyes; Claude mi oculos; Stänger mina ögon


Close My Eyes

When I close my eyes
I see you better.
When I go up the hill
I don’t see you
at all.
© Yelling Rosa
9/10 -20



Claude mi oculos

Quando io claude mi oculos
vide te melior.
Quando io ir al alto
del collina non te
vide del toto.
© Yelling


Stänger mina ögon

När jag stänger mina ögon,
jag ser dig bättre.
När jag går upp till berget
jag ser dig inte alls.
© Yelling Rosa
9/10 –20


tiistai 29. syyskuuta 2020

Kulutuksen vanki; A Prisoner of Consumption


Kulutuksen vanki

Olen läpeeni kyllästynyt,
ja haluan nukkua niin,
etten herää
Silti en kuole.
Se tässä
© Yelling Rosa
26/5 –20


Katsoin juuri televisiodokumentin tekoälystä ja sen mahdollisista vaaroista. Ohjelman tekijöiden mielestä ihmisten tarkkaileminen ja manipulointi ovat hälyttäviä ilmiöitä. Tätä taustaa vasten tarkasteltuna ”Kulutuksen vanki” -runoni sai uutta ulottuvuutta. Sen lisäksi, että algoritmit ohjaavat meidän kulutustamme, olemme olleet kulutusrobotteja jo ennen tietotekniikan vallankumousta.

Runo kuvaa sitä, kuinka tämä ohjailu repii sielua, mutta mitä vaihtoehtoja ihmisellä on toimia, jos et omista maata ja voi sitä viljellä. Metsään ei niin vaan mennä erakoksi, kun sen omistaa yksityinen ihminen tai sitten se on valtion metsää, jolle on säädetty muut käyttötarkoitukset kuin oravanpyörästä hyppääminen.


A Prisoner of Consumption

I’m sickened tired of this,
And I want to sleep so
I won’t wake up.
However, I don’t
Stop shopping,
Which is what
Pissed me off.
© Yelling Rosa
26/5 –20

PS Enlarge the photo by clicking


I just watched a television documentary about artificial intelligence and its potential dangers. The authors of the program consider the observation and manipulation of people to be alarming phenomena. Against this background, my ”Prisoner of Consumption” poem took on a new dimension. In addition to the fact that algorithms control our consumption, we have been consuming robots before the information technology revolution.

The poem describes how this maneuver tears the soul and what options you have, mostly if you do not own the land and cultivate it. The landless human being can’t go into the forest as a hermit when a private person or state owns it.



keskiviikko 2. syyskuuta 2020

Liikaa sanoja; Too Many Words; Слишком много слов


Liikaa sanoja

Sanoja on liikaa,
kun ei tiedä,
mitä niiden kanssa
© Yelling Rosa














Too Many Words

There are too many words
When you don´t know
What to do with them.
© Yelling Rosa















Слишком много слов

Слишком много слов
Когда ты не знаешь
Что с ними делать.
© Yelling Rosa



torstai 27. elokuuta 2020

A Sparrow On The Window Ledge

The day before yesterday, I was down by the blue riverside and didn’t know how to pull myself together. Finally, I prayed that Lord relieved me from the pain that was tearing me into pieces. I fell asleep without getting any help. After a while, I waked up because I felt that a bird was singing in my room. It was on the window ledge, but the window was open. I peeped behind the curtain, and I saw a little sparrow who sang from the bottom of its heart. It was slightly downy so that it has stared its first summer and everything was new for it. I knocked the window gently to get its attention, but it didn’t respond. When I added the volume, it almost fell from the ledge before it flew away. I managed to snap many pictures but only reached its back.

This incident helped me, but only a moment. The dark clouds started to gather around me again. I crept back to my bed even it was sunny noon. I was on the twilight light zone when I heard a muffled bump. “Too heavy approaching,” I smiled and checked that everything was all right. Yes, my savior from heaven sat again on the window ledge and perhaps thought: “What was that. I didn’t see anything”. I dressed and went out, saying to myself: “If that small creature has the strength to move on, I can’t be worse.”

© Yelling Rosa
30/6 -19

tiistai 21. heinäkuuta 2020

Yö; Natten; The Night;

Yö ei koreille,
ei pröystäille,
ei vainoa
ei kiusaa,
sillä mikä
© Yelling Rosa
18/6 –20














Natten inte prålar,
inte bröstar sig
ingen förföljer
eller plågar
för vad
i natten
har i ljuset
© Yelling Rosa
18/6 –20












The Night

The night doesn’t dazzle
Doesn’t boast,
No one persecutes
Or torments
For what
In the night
Has in the light
© Yelling Rosa
18/6 –20

PS Enlarge drawings by clicking

tiistai 19. toukokuuta 2020

Собственные сумерки; Own Twilight; Oma hämärä; Crepusculo proprie

Лучше собственные сумерки

собственные сумерки
чем странный
© Yelling Rosa
16/5 –20

Better Own Twilight

Better own twilight
than the strange
©️Yelling Rosa
16/5 –20

Parempi oma hämärä

oma hämärä
kuin outo
©️ Yelling Rosa
16/5 –20

Melior crepusculo proprie

Crepusculo proprie
Que le luce
©️ Yelling Rosa
16/5 –20

Languages: Russian, English, Finnish and Interlingua

lauantai 25. huhtikuuta 2020

На моём пути; On My Own Path

On My Own Path, Yelling Rosa



On My Own Path
На моём пути
I’m not the one
they say I am.
Я нет такой,
Как люди говорят
I have never been
Я никогда не был
What they’re saying.
Что они утверждают.
I am somebody nobody knows.
я тот, кого никто не знает.
And now I’m leaving
all this behind.
И сейчас я бросаю всё за спину мою.
On my own path I hear how
На моём пути я слышу как
The golden fairy sings
Золотая фея поёт
The silver ballad to me.
Мне серебряную балладу.
The wild horses run in the forest
Дикие лошади бегают в лесу
That is repeating forever love.
Который повторяет  вечную любовь.

Thank you my Lord for giving me light in loneliness
Слава Богу, что ты помог мне,
by telling me it’s not a sin to be alone,
когда ты сказал, что одиночество – это не грех.
if you are made fun of being you.
если люди тебя издеваются из-за твоего
On my own path I hear how
На мне пути я слышу как
The golden fairy sings
Золотая фея поёт
The silver ballad to me.
Мне серебряную балладу.
The wild horses run in the forest
Дикие лошади бегают в лесу
That is repeating forever love.
Который повторяет
On My Own Path
На моём пути
Copyright © Yelling Rosa

keskiviikko 15. huhtikuuta 2020

Моя бабушка; Mummoni; My Grandmother

Моя бабушка

Моя бабушка наказывала только тех,
кого хотела любить.
Иногда я надеялся
Что она бы любила
меня менее,
но теперь, как старик
Я горжусь ею
© Yelling Rosa
15/4 -20

Minun mummoni

Minun mummoni kuritti vain niitä,
joita hän rakasti.
Joskus toivoin,
että hän rakastaisi vähemmän
mutta nyt vanhana miehenä
olen ylpeä hänen
© Yelling Rosa
15/4 -20











My Grandmother

My grandmother punished only those
whom she wanted to love.
Sometimes I was hoping
That she would love
me less
but now like an old man
I'm proud of her
© Yelling Rosa
15/4 –20

maanantai 30. maaliskuuta 2020


When I Was

When I was a little boy, I liked to sit in the forest
And looking at how the wind lulled the leaves,
And grass and my reddish hair.
Soon I was sure that all living things breathed
in the same beat, and most of the times,
The harmony rules all beings of the earth.
I told my parents about this happiness
But they weren’t happy.
They worried that the child
isn’t healthy.
At the age of ten, I stood on the bus platform
And we watched how to thick smoke came
From the tailpipes of the vehicles.
I asked my friend would all that gas
Disappear in the air.
He laughed at me:
Of course, it will vanish.
His attitude insults me
And I added angrily:
If it didn’t, there should be
The hole in the sky
For it to go away,
But that whole
Is not possible,
Cause the air
Would die away.
On the sixth grade
I said to my teacher
Who looked down on her
Nose the animal kingdom,
That animals have feelings
And they even think.
The teacher of the biology
Commended me out of the class:
”You are disturbing the lesson.”
When I was at my middle ages
They started globalization.
I realized right away that it wouldn’t
Work in the long run,
But people considered
Me to be a pessimist.
Just now I see
How the virus cor20 and more
Is behind the corner, but nobody cares.
They are sure that everything is back normal
After some months or so.
The world doesn’t need any extra cautions.

I have been in two minds about publishing this poem. I know that people won’t believe anything in time, but the reason for this poem can be elsewhere. I let you decide what it might be. I deny the comments this time because I have no patience to listen to how it wouldn’t be time for U-turn to save humankind.

Always when someone is talking about the U-turn, the message is argued against by saying that humankind can’t go backward. For them, I reply that how many milliards years it is backward when the globe is not surrounded by decent oxygen.




maanantai 2. maaliskuuta 2020

Interlinguataulukko–Interlingua table – Слово таблица

Sain muutama päivä sitten tilaamani venäjä-interlingua-venäjä -sanakirjan. Hienoa kirjan kohdalla on se, että se on kahdensuuntainen, kun yleensä Union Mundial pro Interlingua –järjestön julkaisut ovat yhdensuuntaisia, esim. English to Interlingua jne. Puutteeksi katson sen, että venäjänkielen puolella ei ole kerrottu sanojen sanaluokkia. Esimerkkejä on myös niukasti tai jos niitä on ne eivät ole kokonaisia lauseita. Myös sanapainot puuttuvat. Sivuja kirjassa on 364 kappaletta. Kirjan voi tilata esimerkiksi Lulu.comista.

Kirjan takakansi

This kind of table today

Words in the Russian column are from the book above.

In interlingua
In English
Village (sb)
Деревня Illa habita in un village.
Zelo (sb)
Рвение; усердие; прилежание Illa cerca replica con zelo.
Magre (adj)
тонкий; худой, худощавый Celle puera es magre como un folio de papiro.
Devenir (vb)
To become
Становиться Il deveni necessari sparniar aqua.
Foreste (sb)
Le foreste parlava al vagabundo.
Formica (sb)
Муравей Un formica parve ambula sur mi tabula.
Fortuna (sb) Fortune Удача; счастье, фортуна; судьба Bon fortuna a te!
Fumo (sb)
Дым; пар Il non ha fumo sin foco.
Flamma (sb)
Пламя Le flamma del candela lumine le camera.
Flecter (vb)
To bend
Гнуть Le grano se flecteva sub le forte vento.
Laxe (adj)
Ослабленный Le pantalones de celle viro es laxe.
Le (art; pron)
The; him
Его, ему Io le salutava quando io era in le urbe.
Branca (sb)
Сук; ветвь, отрасль, филиал Un ave sede sur le branca.
Folio (sb)
Лист Sed nos non pote mesmo construer un fabrica si efficace como le folio verde ( 1, p. 153).
Forsan (adv)
Может быть Isto es forsan un mal solution.
Isto (pron)
Это Isto es mi soror.
Iste (adj)
Этот, эти Iste rosas son belle.
Jardin (sb)
Сад Le matre es in le jardin con su familia.
Jocar (vb)
To play
Играть; играть в азартные игры Illa joca le rolo/parte de granmatre.
Primavera (sb)
Spring (time)
Весна Le flores comencia florer in le primavera.
Autumno (sb)
Осень Le autumno es mi saison favorite.
Hiberno (sb)
Зима Io ama le hiberno blanc.
Luce (=lumine) (sb) Light (of sun etc) Свет Il non ha luce electric in le cabana.
Lumine = luce (sb)
Light (of sun etc)
Свет Le calor e le lumine del sol -octo minutas distante de nos in tempore de viage del radiation – es cosa vital ( 1, p. 153).
Repasto (sb)
Еда Io mangia tres repastos per die.
Repetition (sb)
Le repetition pote accentuar le punctos essential del discurso.
Reportar (vb)
To report
Рассказывать; сообщать; докладывать; рапортовать Nos debe reportar un proxime mixtion de arte e populo. 
Reporto (sb)
Доклад; рапорт, отчёт Ille faceva un reporto.
Facer (vb)
To do, make
Делать; Выполнять Io non sape que facer.
Corpore (sb)
Тело Mente san in corpore san.
Costar (vb)
To Cost
Стоить Quanto costa un tassa de the?
Quanto (adv)
How much
Сколько Quanto gania tu cata mense?
The (sb)
Nihil es tan importante que biber the.
Caffe (sb)
Кофе; кафе (место) Io ha habitude de mangiar mi jentaculo in le caffe.

1) Interlingua Grammar by Alexander Gode & Huge Blair

If you like to study more about the meanings of the words, please visit Wiktionary.

The Google Translator translates quite well Interlingua into English when it thinks that Interlingua is the Galician Language, see the picture below. Please enlarge the image by clicking it.

Unfortunately, the translation is not always as good as this, but in most cases, it reveals the idea of the Interlingua sentence.

If you like to convert the Cyrillic alphabets in Latin alphabets, please visit

Like this:

Сколько Skolʹko
Чай Čaj
Кофе; кафе (место) Kofe; kafe (mesto)

 PS Wiktionary helps you also with Interlingua.

keskiviikko 12. helmikuuta 2020

Снег и лёд - Snow and Ice

Я увидел снег и лёд


Когда посидел у камина
Сказал я себе:
Она не любит меня”.
Я посмотрел в окно.
Я увидел снег
И лёд.
© Yelling Rosa
11/2 -20

Snow and Ice by © Yelling Rosa, 12th February 2020

Snow and Ice

When I sat by the fireplace,
I said to myself:
"She doesn't love me."
I looked through
The window.
I saw snow
And ice.
© Yelling Rosa
11/2 -20

torstai 23. tammikuuta 2020

Hyvää ystävän päivää–Happy Valentine’s Day–С днем святого Валентина

Tänä vuonna en suunnittele uutta ystävänpäiväkorttia, koska niitä on aikaisimmilta vuosilta kertynyt jo melkoinen määrä, enkä usko että lukija olisi ne jo kaikki käyttänyt. Voit ladata itsellesi ystävänpäiväkorttikokoelmani osoitteesta

Korttien yksityiskäyttö on ilmaista.

Alla kollaasi ja diaesitys korteistani.



Ystävänpäiväruno, joka löytyy myös kokoelmasta


Ilman sinua

Ilman sinua
en olisi kirsikkapuu,
joka ankaran talven jälkeen
puhkeaa keväiseen kukkaan.
Minun oksani eivät kestäisi
raskasta lumista taakkaa,
ei silmut avaisi silmiään,
lehdet aaltoilisi aallon lailla.
Liian harvoin kai kuiskaan,
että sinun kädestäsi kaarnani
kiitosta väreilee.
© Yelling Rosa

Kokoelmasta löytyy myös pelkkä runon korttipohja, jos haluat itse kirjoittaa runon ystävällesi.

Ystävänpäiväfanfaarini melodia on helposti omaksuttavissa ja voit kirjoittaa itse sanat sävelmään, jos haluat, tai tehdä aivan kokonaan oman laulun ystävällesi.

Suurenna kuvaa klikkaamalla.
Please enlarge the picture by clicking.

Hyvää ystävänpäivää kaikille lukijoilleni ja heidän läheisilleen!

Happy Valentine’s Day Fanfare



NOTE: If you like my Valentine’s Day Fanfare, please listen to it by clicking this link because it doesn’t get views while playing on this page. Maybe you could think to share it forwards.

Happy Valentine’s Day

This year, I am not going to design a new Valentine’s Day card, as I have already designed quite a few of them in recent years, and I do not think you, my dear reader, would have used them all. You can download my Valentine’s Day card collection at
Postcards are free for private use.

Vallentine’s Day Collage



You’ll find all these card from my collecition.

My Valentine’s Poem in Finnish



The Valentine’s Day Poem in English:

Without you
I wouldn’t be a cherry tree
That after a harsh winter
Bursts into spring bloom.
My branches wouldn’t carry
The heavy snowy load
No buds open their eyes,
The leaves roll like the waves.
Too seldom I’m telling you:
How you make my
Bark glittering.
© Yelling Rosa

Here’s the card without text if you like to add your own wishes

Happy Valentine’s Day to all my readers and their loved ones!

С днем святого Валентина


С днем святого Валентина моим читателям

tiistai 14. tammikuuta 2020

слишком много плохих вещей в моей жизни - Too Many Bad Thing in My Life - Troppe cosas mal in mi vita

слишком много плохих вещей в моей жизни

Я видел слишком много плохих вещей в моей жизни
и из-за этого я грустный и усталый.
Я обрезан депрессивными людьми
и я вынужден бояться
что они совершают самоубийство.
В любом случае у меня нет сил
чтобы утешить их.
Я положил мою голову в песок
и пытаюсь забыть
© Yelling Rosa
14/1 –20

Too Many Bad Thing in My Life

I’ve seen too many bad things in my life
and because of this I am sad and tired.
I’m circumcised by depressed people
and I have to be afraid
they commit suicides.
In any case, I have no strength
to console them.
I put my head in the sand
and try to forget
© Yelling Rosa
14/1 –20

Troppe cosas mal in mi vita

Io ha vidite troppe cosas mal in mi vita
et a causa de lo io es triste et fatigate.
Io es circumferite per homines
depresse et io debe timer
que illes suicida se.
In omne caso io ha non fortia
pro dar consolation a les.
Io pone mi capite in arena
et face un effortio
pro negliger
© Yelling Rosa
14/1 -20