Näytetään tekstit, joissa on tunniste Latinan kieli. Näytä kaikki tekstit
Näytetään tekstit, joissa on tunniste Latinan kieli. Näytä kaikki tekstit

perjantai 13. joulukuuta 2024

Cor; The Heart



Una rosa sanguinis
ab ovo usque ad mala
comes fidelis est.
Ille pulsat sine praecepto
aliter quam cerebra.
os docere tenemus.
© Yelling Rosa


The Heart

One rose of blood
From cradle to grave
Is a faithful companion.
It beats without command,
Which the brain does not do.
We must teach gray
Thinking cells.
© Yelling Rosa


tiistai 10. syyskuuta 2024

Ohto varria; Enough Heat

Here is one of my verses in Ingrian and English with my drawing.

 Hic es nimis calido.
Aestate pote ir ad ibi,
ubi pipere cresce.
© Yelling Rosa


torstai 28. maaliskuuta 2024

Why Am I Sad, Cur triste sum

Why Am I Sad

Why am I sad?
Why can't I do anything?
Fate has stuffed me with ideas,
But has forgotten to give me
The resources.
Now, I walk and blame myself.
How happy would I be
If I thought less and I could do
© Yelling Rosa


Cur triste sum

Cur triste sum.
Cur nihil facere possum.
Fato habet farcito me
cum ideas sed oblitterābat
dare ad me facultates.
Nunc ambulo et vituperō me.
Quam felice mi esser
si cogito minus
et possum facere
Yelling Rosa


tiistai 30. toukokuuta 2023

Fraus orgia habet; Fraud Has Orgies



Fraus orgia habet

Mi volo currere domum.
Ibi vita est pulchra.
Deformitas non subsequitur
in cubiculum meum.
Sed ubi est domus mea?
Mi non vidio trans fraudem,
quae orgia habet ubique.
© Yelling Rosa



Fraud Has Orgies

I want to run home.
Life there is beautiful.
Deformity does not follow
Into my bedroom.
But where is my house?
I do not see beyond the fraud
That has orgies everywhere.
© Yelling Rosa

Quaeso vide picturas amplificare cursore mus potes.
Please note that you can enlarge the drawings with the mouse cursor.

maanantai 7. maaliskuuta 2022

Tempus fugit; Time is Running out; Aika pakenee


Tempus fugit

Tempus fugit,
sed capita nostra
in fruticem
© Yelling Rosa
5/3 -22

Time Is Running Out

Time is running out
But we hide
Our heads into
The bushes.
© Yelling Rosa
5/3 –22

Here ’Tempus’ equals climate change.
Fugere = Flee, escape, hasten

Aika pakenee

Aika pakenee,
mutta me piilotamme
päämme pensaaseen.
© Yelling Rosa
5/3 -22

Tempus fugit
Aika pakenee, aika rientää. Ilmaus on Vergiliukselta (Georgica, 3, 284),
Suuri latinasanakirja, toimittanut Arto Kivimäki


torstai 30. joulukuuta 2021

Io Mirava Vos


Io mirava vos, quando vos stava sur le litore opposite.
Vos non videva me, proque io es morte.
Il es terribile, si isto continuava assi pro sempre.
Io pote vider errores que vos esse pro facer,
sed io non ha capace a prevenir vos.
Malgrado, isto era caso,
quando io existeva in le mundo:
necuno ascoltava me.
© Yelling Rosa
26/12 -21
Il es un bon cosa, que necuno face un visita usque a hic. Io pote scriber sine stress.


maanantai 1. marraskuuta 2021

Vita necat vitam; Life Ends Life

Vita necat vitam

Mors non est necessitas sola.
est obligatorius.
rs non conficit vitam.

Vita necat vitam.

© Yelling Rosa

1/11 -21


Life Ends Life

Death is not a necessity.
Birth is obligatory.
Death does not destroy life.
Life ends life.
© Yelling Rosa
1/11 –21

maanantai 11. lokakuuta 2021

Mundum internet relinquo


Nunc in mea casam eo
et relinquo mundum
Per multum tempus
ibi fui.
Ego intellexi
quod hominibus credere
non possum.
Ii rem unum promittunt
sed rem aliam faciunt.
© Yelling Rosa
10/10 -21



torstai 29. heinäkuuta 2021

It Is Impossible; Isto es impossibile


It Is Impossible

Every human being wants to be
free, but it is impossible.
If the leaf falls from the tree
it turns yellow.
© Yelling Rosa
29/7 –21


Isto es impossibile (Latino Sine Flexione)

Omni homine spera esse
libera sed isto es impossibile.
Si folio resolve ab arbore,
id flavesce.
© Yelling Rosa
29/7 -21

Read more about de Latino sine flexione.

keskiviikko 6. tammikuuta 2021

The Yelling Rosa Year 2020 and the Beginning of the Year 2021

 I thank my readers from 2020 and hope to meet again in 2021 as many times as possible.        

Below is the Yelling Rosa Year 2020 Table


Forums and their URLs

Yelling Rosan sivut  
Home site                       
WordPress English Yelling Rosa Weblog https://yellingrosa.wordpress.com/
WordPress Suomi Yelling Rosan Blogi https://yrosa.wordpress.com/
Blogger Yelling Rosan Blogger https://yellingrosa.blogspot.com/
Videot Yelling Rosa Youtube URL to YouTube
Outside the table

Yelling Rosa Twitter URL to Twitter
Yelling Rosa Facebook Fan Page URL to Facebook


 Annum felicem sapientem habes

Annum Felicem Sapientem Habes = Have a Wise New Year 2021

Hyvvää Uutta Vuotta 2021; С Новым 2021 годом;
Gott nytt år 2021; Felice Anno Nuovo 2021;



maanantai 2. maaliskuuta 2020

Interlinguataulukko–Interlingua table – Слово таблица

Sain muutama päivä sitten tilaamani venäjä-interlingua-venäjä -sanakirjan. Hienoa kirjan kohdalla on se, että se on kahdensuuntainen, kun yleensä Union Mundial pro Interlingua –järjestön julkaisut ovat yhdensuuntaisia, esim. English to Interlingua jne. Puutteeksi katson sen, että venäjänkielen puolella ei ole kerrottu sanojen sanaluokkia. Esimerkkejä on myös niukasti tai jos niitä on ne eivät ole kokonaisia lauseita. Myös sanapainot puuttuvat. Sivuja kirjassa on 364 kappaletta. Kirjan voi tilata esimerkiksi Lulu.comista.

Kirjan takakansi

This kind of table today

Words in the Russian column are from the book above.

In interlingua
In English
Village (sb)
Деревня Illa habita in un village.
Zelo (sb)
Рвение; усердие; прилежание Illa cerca replica con zelo.
Magre (adj)
тонкий; худой, худощавый Celle puera es magre como un folio de papiro.
Devenir (vb)
To become
Становиться Il deveni necessari sparniar aqua.
Foreste (sb)
Le foreste parlava al vagabundo.
Formica (sb)
Муравей Un formica parve ambula sur mi tabula.
Fortuna (sb) Fortune Удача; счастье, фортуна; судьба Bon fortuna a te!
Fumo (sb)
Дым; пар Il non ha fumo sin foco.
Flamma (sb)
Пламя Le flamma del candela lumine le camera.
Flecter (vb)
To bend
Гнуть Le grano se flecteva sub le forte vento.
Laxe (adj)
Ослабленный Le pantalones de celle viro es laxe.
Le (art; pron)
The; him
Его, ему Io le salutava quando io era in le urbe.
Branca (sb)
Сук; ветвь, отрасль, филиал Un ave sede sur le branca.
Folio (sb)
Лист Sed nos non pote mesmo construer un fabrica si efficace como le folio verde ( 1, p. 153).
Forsan (adv)
Может быть Isto es forsan un mal solution.
Isto (pron)
Это Isto es mi soror.
Iste (adj)
Этот, эти Iste rosas son belle.
Jardin (sb)
Сад Le matre es in le jardin con su familia.
Jocar (vb)
To play
Играть; играть в азартные игры Illa joca le rolo/parte de granmatre.
Primavera (sb)
Spring (time)
Весна Le flores comencia florer in le primavera.
Autumno (sb)
Осень Le autumno es mi saison favorite.
Hiberno (sb)
Зима Io ama le hiberno blanc.
Luce (=lumine) (sb) Light (of sun etc) Свет Il non ha luce electric in le cabana.
Lumine = luce (sb)
Light (of sun etc)
Свет Le calor e le lumine del sol -octo minutas distante de nos in tempore de viage del radiation – es cosa vital ( 1, p. 153).
Repasto (sb)
Еда Io mangia tres repastos per die.
Repetition (sb)
Le repetition pote accentuar le punctos essential del discurso.
Reportar (vb)
To report
Рассказывать; сообщать; докладывать; рапортовать Nos debe reportar un proxime mixtion de arte e populo. 
Reporto (sb)
Доклад; рапорт, отчёт Ille faceva un reporto.
Facer (vb)
To do, make
Делать; Выполнять Io non sape que facer.
Corpore (sb)
Тело Mente san in corpore san.
Costar (vb)
To Cost
Стоить Quanto costa un tassa de the?
Quanto (adv)
How much
Сколько Quanto gania tu cata mense?
The (sb)
Nihil es tan importante que biber the.
Caffe (sb)
Кофе; кафе (место) Io ha habitude de mangiar mi jentaculo in le caffe.

1) Interlingua Grammar by Alexander Gode & Huge Blair

If you like to study more about the meanings of the words, please visit Wiktionary.

The Google Translator translates quite well Interlingua into English when it thinks that Interlingua is the Galician Language, see the picture below. Please enlarge the image by clicking it.

Unfortunately, the translation is not always as good as this, but in most cases, it reveals the idea of the Interlingua sentence.

If you like to convert the Cyrillic alphabets in Latin alphabets, please visit Lexilocos.com.

Like this:

Сколько Skolʹko
Чай Čaj
Кофе; кафе (место) Kofe; kafe (mesto)

 PS Wiktionary helps you also with Interlingua.

tiistai 20. elokuuta 2019

Ангел поет песню - Angels sing the song

Через горы
Ангел поет песню
которую ты слышишь
С твоим сердцем.
© Yelling Rosa
19/8 –19

CARMEN © Yelling Rosa 2019

Through the mountains
Angels sing the song
Which you hear
With your heart.
© Yelling Rosa
19/8 -19

lauantai 15. kesäkuuta 2019

The Endless Loneliness - Loputon yksinäisyys

Loputon yksinäisyys

Loputon yksinäisyys
on kiinni kyljessä
© Yelling Rosa
3/6 –19

The Endless Loneliness

The Endless loneliness
is in the spine of the nearest
© Yelling Rosa
3/6 –19

Sol lucet in caelo

Sol lucet in caelo sub arbore autem umbra.
Ibi sedeo atque deliciae meae reminiscor.
Ea mihi perfecta est sicut nasus in faciem meam.
© Yelling Rosa
9/6 –19

The Sun Is Shining In The Sky

The sun is shining in the sky but the shade under a tree.
I am sitting there, and thinking of my darling.
She is perfect for me as the nose on my face.
© Yelling Rosa
9/6 –19