torstai 28. huhtikuuta 2022

Ängels bön

 O min God ge mig fred
att glömma bort alla
illvilliga varelser
som lurar i världen
på änglarnas vingar,
så att jag vågar flyga
mitt i massorna.
© Yelling Rosa
28/4 –22

The Angel’s Prayer

Oh my God, help me
To ignore the world
Of evil beings
That hunt the wings
Of angels,
So I dare to fly
Among the people.
© Yelling Rosa
28th April 2022


torstai 21. huhtikuuta 2022

If the War Drags on in Ukraine

 I have published the video below because Western policymakers are not thinking about the consequences of prolonging the war. Prediction is difficult, but wars come at a price. In this case, the Ukrainians will naturally suffer the most from the war.


keskiviikko 13. huhtikuuta 2022

False Theater; Theatro false; Mina naglar har växt


False Theater

Like dust in the wind
Is the life of humans,
But otherwise, we think
That is the origin of
The false theater.
© Yelling Rosa
16/3 –21

Theatro false

Como pulvere in le vento
es le vita de humanos,
sed qualcosa altere nos crede.
Il es le origines de un
theatro false.
© Yelling Rosa
16/3 –21


Mina naglar har växt

Mina naglar har växt.
De blir dödande,
om jag inte spelar gitarr
med mina fingrar.
© Yelling Rosa
15/3 –22