Parempiosaiset ovat taas paljastaneet asenteensa köyhiin ja itseään vähemmän koulutettuihin kansanihmisiin, vaikka he nyt sattuvat olemaan esimerkiksi mielipiteineen Brexit ja Yhdysvaltojen presidenttivaaleissa enemmistö. Köyhillä ei yksinkertaisesti saa olla omaa mielipidettä asioiden hoidosta, tai ainakaan ”sivistyneistö” ei löydä siitä mitään positiivista. Värssyni on tiivistelmä tästä ilmiöstä, köyhien syyllistämisestä. Kun he yrittävät vain selvitä maailman menossa elossa, he ovat kaikkea mahdollista pahaa ja ennen kaikkea kykenemättömiä ajattelemaan niin suuria asioita kuin heitä halveksiva eliitti. Media on tavallisia ihmisiä syyllistäviä mielipiteitä pullollaan.
The elite has revealed its attitude towards the poor, uneducated people who happens to be the majority in many cases. In spite of that the elite keeps on pointing out the poor: they don’t have permission to have own opinion, at least in it can not be found anything positive. Funny how much there are those people who are good for nothing, like those who said yes to Brexit, more than 50 percent of the population in Britain, and voted for Trump, half of the population in U.S.A. My verse is this media accusing phenomenon in a nutshell.
Necuno del Élite
Necuno del élite
face attention al pena
ubi le povre gente vive.
Illes es solmente indolente,
racial o alteremente maligne,
conforme al opulente,
e stupide illes es post que
non comprende
que le globalismo
salvarea ab le
©Yelling Rosa
11/11 –16
None of the elite
None of the elite
Pay attention to shortage
Where the poor people live.
They are simply lazy,
Racial or otherwise evil,
According to the wealthy,
And stupid they are because
They don’t realize
How globalism rescues
Them from
The poverty.
©Yelling Rosa
11/11 -16
Interlingua | English | Explanation |
Necuno | Nobody |
De | Of, from | De + le = del |
Élite | Elite |
Face attention a | Pay attention to | A + le = al |
Pena | Pain |
Ubi | Where |
Povre | Poor |
Gente | People |
Viver | To live | Vive => present tense |
Illes | They | Plural masculine => males and females |
Es | Is, are |
Solmente | Only, merely |
Indolente | Averse to toil or exertion |
Racial | Racial |
O | Or |
Alteremente | Otherwise |
Maligne | Malicious |
Conforme a | According to | A + le = al |
Opulente | Wealthy |
E | And | E … e = as well … as, both … and |
Stupide | Stupid |
Post que | Because |
Non | Not |
Comprender | To comprehend | Comprende => present tense |
Que | That | Conjunction |
Globalismo | Globalism |
Salvar | To rescue | Salvarea => conditional |
Ab | From | Also: de |
Paupertate | Poverty |
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