The Blogger column tells you that Yelling Rosa’s Weblog is viewed 2782 times in 2018. This is less than I expected. In 2019 I will stick to Yelling Rosan Blogger more than I did in 2018. It is my intention to publish multilingual poetry book by the end of this year. That work demands all my attention. I might give some information on that project during the year hear where we have Google Translator and usually when Translator has made a bad job I have corrected it by giving the right translation from Finnish to English.
Yelling Rosa YouTube-videos
You’ll see my videos in table below. If you like to watch some of my videos click its name in the Name (Nimi) Column. I have told something about the video in English when you see the text “Read more” in the “Esittely” Column.My Videos are viewed:
Kiitän seuraajiani ja toivon, että vuoden 2019 aikana antaisitte tukenne Yelling Rosan Blogille, koska jokainen kirjoittaa äidinkielellään parhaiten.
I thank all my followers from the bottom of my hard and hope, that you support Yelling Rosan Blogi in 2019 because we are on our best when we are able to use our own language.
PS The Finnish Words Explained
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