Tämä kortti on vapaasti käytettävissä ei-kaupallisesti.
Suurenna kuva uuteen välilehteen klikkaamalla korttia.
The card below is free for private use.
Click the image to large it to a new tab.
Tämä kortti on vapaasti käytettävissä ei-kaupallisesti.
Suurenna kuva uuteen välilehteen klikkaamalla korttia.
The card below is free for private use.
Click the image to large it to a new tab.
I designed a birthday greeting card for one of my friends. It came out so well that you might also like it and congratulate your friend by sending a card. I enclose a card template here so that you can add your greeting yourself. Adding text is comfortable with the free PhotoScape X software.
Please enlarge the card by opening it in a new tab.
Suunnittelin eräälle ystävälleni syntymäpäiväonnittelukortin. Se onnistui omasta mielestäni sen verran hyvin, että sinä saattaisit pitää siitä ja onnitella ystävääsi lähettämällä kortin. Oheistan tähän myös korttipohjan, joten voit itse lisätä oman tervehdyksesi. Tekstin lisääminen käy mainiosti ilmaisella PhotoScape X -ohjelmalla.
The video below shows how to add text in PhotoScape X.
If you find this video useful, please like it on YouTube. Because I haven’t made it like here doesn’t make any good for the video and its editor. Open on YouTube.
When I close my eyes
I see you better.
When I go up the hill
I don’t see you
at all.
© Yelling Rosa
9/10 -20
Quando io claude mi oculos
vide te melior.
Quando io ir al alto
del collina non te
vide del toto.
© Yelling
När jag stänger mina ögon,
jag ser dig bättre.
När jag går upp till berget
jag ser dig inte alls.
© Yelling Rosa
9/10 –20
Olen läpeeni kyllästynyt,
ja haluan nukkua niin,
etten herää
Silti en kuole.
Se tässä
© Yelling Rosa
26/5 –20
Katsoin juuri televisiodokumentin tekoälystä ja sen mahdollisista vaaroista. Ohjelman tekijöiden mielestä ihmisten tarkkaileminen ja manipulointi ovat hälyttäviä ilmiöitä. Tätä taustaa vasten tarkasteltuna ”Kulutuksen vanki” -runoni sai uutta ulottuvuutta. Sen lisäksi, että algoritmit ohjaavat meidän kulutustamme, olemme olleet kulutusrobotteja jo ennen tietotekniikan vallankumousta.
Runo kuvaa sitä, kuinka tämä ohjailu repii sielua, mutta mitä
vaihtoehtoja ihmisellä on toimia, jos et omista maata ja voi sitä
viljellä. Metsään ei niin vaan mennä erakoksi, kun sen omistaa
yksityinen ihminen tai sitten se on valtion metsää, jolle on säädetty
muut käyttötarkoitukset kuin oravanpyörästä hyppääminen.
I’m sickened tired of this,
And I want to sleep so
I won’t wake up.
However, I don’t
Stop shopping,
Which is what
Pissed me off.
© Yelling Rosa
26/5 –20
PS Enlarge the photo by clicking
I just watched a television documentary about artificial intelligence and its potential dangers. The authors of the program consider the observation and manipulation of people to be alarming phenomena. Against this background, my ”Prisoner of Consumption” poem took on a new dimension. In addition to the fact that algorithms control our consumption, we have been consuming robots before the information technology revolution.
The poem describes how this maneuver tears the soul and what options you have, mostly if you do not own the land and cultivate it. The landless human being can’t go into the forest as a hermit when a private person or state owns it.
Sanoja on liikaa,
kun ei tiedä,
mitä niiden kanssa
© Yelling Rosa
There are too many words
When you don´t know
What to do with them.
© Yelling Rosa
Слишком много слов
Когда ты не знаешь
Что с ними делать.
© Yelling Rosa
The day before yesterday, I was down by the blue riverside and didn’t know how to pull myself together. Finally, I prayed that Lord relieved me from the pain that was tearing me into pieces. I fell asleep without getting any help. After a while, I waked up because I felt that a bird was singing in my room. It was on the window ledge, but the window was open. I peeped behind the curtain, and I saw a little sparrow who sang from the bottom of its heart. It was slightly downy so that it has stared its first summer and everything was new for it. I knocked the window gently to get its attention, but it didn’t respond. When I added the volume, it almost fell from the ledge before it flew away. I managed to snap many pictures but only reached its back.
© Yelling Rosa
30/6 -19
On My Own Path
На моём пути
I’m not the one
they say I am. |
Я нет такой,
Как люди говорят |
I have never been
Я никогда не был
What they’re saying.
Что они утверждают.
I am somebody nobody knows. |
я тот, кого никто не знает.
And now I’m leaving
all this behind. |
И сейчас я бросаю всё за спину мою.
On my own path I hear how
На моём пути я слышу как
The golden fairy sings
Золотая фея поёт
The silver ballad to me.
Мне серебряную балладу. |
The wild horses run in the forest
Дикие лошади бегают в лесу
That is repeating forever love.
Который повторяет вечную любовь. |
Thank you my Lord for giving me light in loneliness
Слава Богу, что ты помог мне,
by telling me it’s not a sin to be alone,
когда ты сказал, что одиночество – это не грех.
if you are made fun of being you.
если люди тебя издеваются из-за твоего характера. |
On my own path I hear how
На мне пути я слышу как
The golden fairy sings
Золотая фея поёт
The silver ballad to me.
Мне серебряную балладу. |
The wild horses run in the forest
Дикие лошади бегают в лесу
That is repeating forever love.
Который повторяет вечную любовь. |
On My Own Path
На моём пути
Copyright © Yelling Rosa
In interlingua |
In English
Exemplos |
Village (sb) |
Деревня | Illa habita in un village. |
Zelo (sb) |
Рвение; усердие; прилежание | Illa cerca replica con zelo. |
Magre (adj) |
тонкий; худой, худощавый | Celle puera es magre como un folio de papiro. |
Devenir (vb) |
To become
Становиться | Il deveni necessari sparniar aqua. |
Foreste (sb) |
Le foreste parlava al vagabundo. |
Formica (sb) |
Муравей | Un formica parve ambula sur mi tabula. |
Fortuna (sb) | Fortune | Удача; счастье, фортуна; судьба | Bon fortuna a te! |
Fumo (sb) |
Дым; пар | Il non ha fumo sin foco. |
Flamma (sb) |
Пламя | Le flamma del candela lumine le camera. |
Flecter (vb) |
To bend
Гнуть | Le grano se flecteva sub le forte vento. |
Laxe (adj) |
Ослабленный | Le pantalones de celle viro es laxe. |
Le (art; pron) |
The; him
Его, ему | Io le salutava quando io era in le urbe. |
Branca (sb) |
Сук; ветвь, отрасль, филиал | Un ave sede sur le branca. |
Folio (sb) |
Лист | Sed nos non pote mesmo construer un fabrica si efficace como le folio verde ( 1, p. 153). |
Forsan (adv) |
Может быть | Isto es forsan un mal solution. |
Isto (pron) |
Это | Isto es mi soror. |
Iste (adj) |
Этот, эти | Iste rosas son belle. |
Jardin (sb) |
Сад | Le matre es in le jardin con su familia. |
Jocar (vb) |
To play
Играть; играть в азартные игры | Illa joca le rolo/parte de granmatre. |
Primavera (sb) |
Spring (time)
Весна | Le flores comencia florer in le primavera. |
Autumno (sb) |
Осень | Le autumno es mi saison favorite. |
Hiberno (sb) |
Зима | Io ama le hiberno blanc. |
Luce (=lumine) (sb) | Light (of sun etc) | Свет | Il non ha luce electric in le cabana. |
Lumine = luce (sb) |
Light (of sun etc)
Свет | Le calor e le lumine del sol -octo minutas distante de nos in tempore de viage del radiation – es cosa vital ( 1, p. 153). |
Repasto (sb) |
Еда | Io mangia tres repastos per die. |
Repetition (sb) |
Le repetition pote accentuar le punctos essential del discurso. |
Reportar (vb) |
To report
Рассказывать; сообщать; докладывать; рапортовать | Nos debe reportar un proxime mixtion de arte e populo. |
Reporto (sb) |
Доклад; рапорт, отчёт | Ille faceva un reporto. |
Facer (vb) |
To do, make
Делать; Выполнять | Io non sape que facer. |
Corpore (sb) |
Тело | Mente san in corpore san. |
Costar (vb) |
To Cost
Стоить | Quanto costa un tassa de the? |
Quanto (adv) |
How much
Сколько | Quanto gania tu cata mense? |
The (sb) |
Nihil es tan importante que biber the. |
Caffe (sb) |
Кофе; кафе (место) | Io ha habitude de mangiar mi jentaculo in le caffe. |
Сколько | Skolʹko |
Чай | Čaj |
Кофе; кафе (место) | Kofe; kafe (mesto) |