When I’m in a store with low prices
I buy expensive coffee,
And when I’m in a costly store
I buy cheap coffee.
© Yelling Rosa
When I’m in a store with low prices
I buy expensive coffee,
And when I’m in a costly store
I buy cheap coffee.
© Yelling Rosa
Lyrics of the song:
A Peaceful Christmas
I wish the whole world
A Peaceful Christmastime,
And I hope love occupies
Our hearts forever.
Look at the stars.
They are to love.
Look at the stars.
They are for us
© Yelling Rosa
The theme of this Christmas greeting is both inner and outer peace. Because of this, the song tells about the greatness of the universe and our responsibility to be constructive. My Arabic-language card supports stability, especially in Palestine. I would also have made a card in Hebrew where the Jews would celebrate Christmas.
On a peaceful Christmas, I want to thank all my readers and wish you a peaceful Christmas and success for 2024.
Why are they all over again selling postcards of their own world?
I have written the words to the tune of the Finnish folk song "Niin minä neitonen sinulle laulan kuin omalle kullalleni." The song's name is impossible to translate literally, but it means, "I am singing to you, my young one (maiden), like you were my darling."
Verse 01
I'm singing from the bottom of my heart to make the world a peaceful heaven. Please, Mother Earth, release your angels from the woods we've fully disregarded.
Verse 02
Let your supernatural creatures tell us there is one unbiased God. He gives every living being a spirit and redeems it when the time's up.
Verse 03
Please give me a sign that it is the worst of sins to steal the life of a child so that I have the strength to defend God's gift whatever books are telling.
Please enlarge the music sheet by clicking.
Please forward this postcard to support a ceasefire in the Middle East
I'm sad,
because people near me
don't care about
what is happening
in Palestine.
© Yelling Rosa
Recently, I have encountered other people besides myself who ask themselves if the lack of commonality is my fault. I and others have wondered if I would be less alone elsewhere. In this turmoil, my friend's words have come to mind that when a person is at peace with himself, he is at home, even in a rat hole. According to him, the change for the better starts with rewarding yourself. I am a traveler on this road until the end, like each of us. Blaming ourselves or others does not help us. Rolling my thoughts led me to write the following poem.
We are born
And we will die
It's nobody's fault,
It is the world
Diverges from
© Yelling Rosa
Viime aikoina olen kohdannut itseni lisäksi muita ihmisiä, jotka kysyvät itseltään, onko yhteisyyden puute minun vikani. Niin minä kuin muutkin ovat miettineet sitä, olisinko jossain muualla vähemmän yksin. Tässä myllerryksessä mieleeni on tullut ystäväni sanat, että kun ihminen on sinut itsensä kanssa, hän on kotonaan, vaikka rotankolossa. Hänen mukaansa muutos parempaan alkaa itsensä palkitsemisesta. Olen tämän tien kulkija loppuun asti niin kuin jokainen meistä. Syyllisen hakeminen meistä itsestämme tai muista ei meitä auta. Ajatuksien pyöritteleminen sai minut kirjoittamaan seuraavan runon.
Me synnymme yksin
ja me kuolemme yksin.
Se ei ole kenenkään vika.
Se on maailma,
joka erkanee
© Yelling Rosa
Interlingua |
English |
Suomen kieli |
Le Corpore human |
The Human Body |
Ihmiskeho |
aure |
ear |
korva |
bracio |
arm |
käsivarsi |
bucca |
mouth |
suu |
capillos |
hair |
hiukset |
capite |
head |
pää(koppa) |
cinctura |
waist |
vyötärö |
collo |
neck |
kaula, niska |
corpore |
body |
keho, ruumis |
cubito |
elbow |
kyynärpää |
dente |
tooth |
hammas |
digito |
finger, toe |
sormi, varvas |
dorso |
back |
selkä |
facie |
face |
kasvot |
fronte |
forehead |
otsa |
gamba |
leg |
sääri, jalka |
gena |
cheek |
poski |
genu |
knee |
polvi |
gorga |
throat |
kurkku |
humero |
shoulder |
olkapää |
labio |
lip |
huuli |
mandibula |
jaw |
leuka |
mano |
hand |
käsi |
mento |
chin |
leuka |
naso |
nose |
nenä |
oculo |
eye |
silmä |
pectore |
chest |
rinta(kehä) |
pede |
foot |
jalka |
pollice |
thumb |
peukalo |
stomacho |
stomach |
vatsa |
talon |
heel |
kantapää |
Chin is a see also of jaw.
As nouns the difference between jaw and chin is that jaw is one of the bones, usually bearing teeth, which form the framework of the mouth while chin is the bottom of a face, especially, the lower jaw or the region below the mouth or chin can be (endearing) a chinchilla.
As verbs the difference between jaw and chin is that jaw is to assail or abuse by scolding while chin is (slang|intransitive) to talk.
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