Lend Me Your Heart
If you're my friend
you lend me your
My pump is out of
and need time
to recover.
Your muscle could
make me even
better I was
before the
© Yelling Rosa
16/6 -22
If you're my friend
you lend me your
My pump is out of
and need time
to recover.
Your muscle could
make me even
better I was
before the
© Yelling Rosa
16/6 -22
O min God ge mig fred
att glömma bort alla
illvilliga varelser
som lurar i världen
på änglarnas vingar,
så att jag vågar flyga
mitt i massorna.
© Yelling Rosa
28/4 –22
Oh my God, help me
To ignore the world
Of evil beings
That hunt the wings
Of angels,
So I dare to fly
Among the people.
© Yelling Rosa
28th April 2022
I have published the video below because Western policymakers are not thinking about the consequences of prolonging the war. Prediction is difficult, but wars come at a price. In this case, the Ukrainians will naturally suffer the most from the war.
Like dust in the wind
Is the life of humans,
But otherwise, we think
That is the origin of
The false theater.
© Yelling Rosa
16/3 –21
Como pulvere in le vento
es le vita de humanos,
sed qualcosa altere nos crede.
Il es le origines de un
theatro false.
© Yelling Rosa
16/3 –21
Mina naglar har växt.
De blir dödande,
om jag inte spelar gitarr
med mina fingrar.
© Yelling Rosa
15/3 –22
Tempus fugit,
sed capita nostra
in fruticem
© Yelling Rosa
5/3 -22
Time is running out
But we hide
Our heads into
The bushes.
© Yelling Rosa
5/3 –22
Here ’Tempus’ equals climate change.
Fugere = Flee, escape, hasten
Aika pakenee,
mutta me piilotamme
päämme pensaaseen.
© Yelling Rosa
5/3 -22
Tempus fugit
Aika pakenee, aika rientää. Ilmaus on Vergiliukselta (Georgica, 3, 284),
Suuri latinasanakirja, toimittanut Arto Kivimäki
Death is not obligatory.
It does not exist
when birth is
© Yelling Rosa
2/12 –21
Doodgaan is niet verplicht
het bestaat niet
wanneer geboorte
is overgeslagen.
© Yelling Rosa
2/12 –21
Jos ihminen
ei synny,
hän ei voi
© Yelling Rosa
2/12 –21