sunnuntai 6. marraskuuta 2016

Yelling Rosan ilmaiset postikortit

Olen ladannut ilmaiset joulupostikorttini omalle kotisivustolleni, koska Picasa –palvelu lopetti toimintansa keväällä 2016 ja koska Google+:n kautta kuvien jakaminen niille, joilla ei ole Google –tiliä, on miltei mahdotonta. Törmäsin ongelmiin, kun ensi kerran yritin ladata joulukorttejani palvelimelta. Nyt lataamisen pitäisi onnistua, mutta jos ongelmia ilmenee, ilmoittanette minulle. Arvostan myös sitä, jos kerrotte lataamisen toimivan kuin junavessan.

Klikkaa tätä siirtyäksesi sivustolleni ja ladataksesi joulukorttini. Ne ovat zip –formaatissa. Korttien lataustaulukko löytyy diaesityksen alapuolelta. Kortit on tarkoitettu vain yksityiskäyttöön.

Muista tarkastaa virustorjuntaohjelmalla koneelle lataamasi materiaali.

Toivon, että käytät tekstilliset kortit sellaisenaan ja lisäät omat terveisesi kortteihin, joissa ei ole tekstiä.

Suurin osa ilmaisista joulukorteistani

Xmas©Yelling Rosa 2016 copy

Yllä olevan kollaasin kortit löytyvät myös suomenkielisinä.

Rattoisia hetkiä korttien ja terveisien kanssa.

PS Katso XmasCardBy YellingRosa –niminen video, jos haluat nähdä, kuinka lisäät omat terveisesi ilmaisella kuvankäsittelyohjelmalla,  PhotoScape.

PPS Lisään taulukkoon myöhemmin lisää ilmaisia postikortteja tarpeen mukaan. Ensimmäiseksi ensi vuoden puolella ilmestyvät Ystävänpäiväkortit suomeksi ja englanniksi.

torstai 3. marraskuuta 2016

Yelling Rosa's Free Postcards

I have uploaded all my free Xmas Cards to my own website because Picasa service doesn’t work anymore. I came up with some difficulties earlier when I tried to download the zip folder from my site. Now this should be all right but if there’s something wrong, let me know that. I appreciate also if someone tells me that thing works like a train’s toilet.

Click this to download all my free Xmas postcards, 15 all together, in zip format. They are free for private use.
Remember always to virus check all the downloaded material.

I hope that you send the postcards with message as they are and use postcards without text for your own greetings.

Happy times while sending cards to your relatives and friends.


The Most of My Christmas Cards

Xmas©Yelling Rosa 2016 copy

Happy times while sending cards to your relatives and friends.

sunnuntai 30. lokakuuta 2016

The Gospel of Success

001 The Gospel of Success by ©Yelling Rosa 2016

The Gospel of Success

What the fuck

I’m writing anything down

When they who have nothing

In their hearts

Dictate the plot.

Thanks to repeating

They make sense

They’ll take the rest

Because they got the most

Free through genes at birth.

Well, if this comes under the nose

They will underline

How they left us the great hearts

In order to take in their policy.

I’ll give them a cunt

Like they, I’m using

What I don’t own

And making it true

By reiterating

The gospel of success.

And, moreover,

Nobody needs

The cunt 24/7.

©Yelling Rosa

30/10 –16

001 The Gospel of Success Smaller by ©Yelling Rosa 2016

Prosperity theology (sometimes referred to as the prosperity gospel, the health and wealth gospel, or the gospel of success)[A] is a religious belief among some Christians that financial blessing and physical well-being is always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one’s material wealth. Please read more at or Google more information on this movement.

Donald Trump has taken ideas from this theory to his political agenda.

lauantai 22. lokakuuta 2016

Elämän hetki


Kohtalo kajahtaa
sanassa surma:
la morte, la morte.
Sen kelloa lyö
runo Espanjan maailman.
Rummun kalke luo
syvän tunnelman, totuuden
arvosta hetken, elämän,
joka muuten kuin houre
pitkin säärtä juoksee
syvään multaan,
missä ei mitään
©Yelling Rosa
17/3 –14


001 Hetki elämän 2012 by © Yelling Rosa

The Death

The fate
ring out in
the word: death.
The death, the death,
its bell tolls the poem
of the Spaniard world.
The clang of the drum
Creates the deep touch
Of the truth, of the moment's
value which otherwise
like the delirium runs down
along the leg into the soil
Where nothing exists.
©Yelling Rosa
17/3 –14


001b Elämän hetki © Yelling Rosa 2014

La morte

Il destino
risuona nella parola:
La morte, la morte
la tua campana suona
la poesia del mondo latino.
Il rumore del tamburo
crea il tocco profondo
della verità, il momento,
il valore, che in caso contrario
come il delirio corre il basso
lungo la gamba nel terreno nero
dove nulla esiste.
© Yelling Rosa
17/3 –14

maanantai 17. lokakuuta 2016

Cur non dormio

Cur non dormio by © Yelling Rosa 2016 01
Cur non dormio quamquam fatigatus sum. Haec vigilia me ducit in perniciem.
© Yelling Rosa 2016

Cur non dormio by © Yelling Rosa 2016 02
Why am I awake when I’m tired. Being up like this will throw me into destruction.
© Yelling Rosa 2016

Cur non dormio by © Yelling Rosa 2016 03
Miksen nuku, vaikka olen väsynyt. Tämä ainainen kukkuminen tuhoaa minut.
© Yelling Rosa 2016

Cur non dormio by © Yelling Rosa 2016 04
Cur non dormio quamquam fatigatus sum. Haec vigilia me ducit in perniciem.
© Yelling Rosa 2016

sunnuntai 9. lokakuuta 2016

4 Language Table Part 03

Rowanberries 2016 anigif by © Yelling Rosa

I, pron





Am, sv, 1 pers

[əm strong æm ]


Sono, sv


Shy, adj

[ʃai ]


Timido, -a


Glad, adj

[glæd ]


Contento, -a


Sad, adj



Triste, m & f


Tired, adj



Stanco, -a


Active, adj



Attivo, -a

Aktiivinen, toimelias

Modest, adj



Modesto, -a





Forte, m & f




Octobre Ottobre Lokakuu
Ripe, adj [raip] Matur Maturo, -a Kypsä
Rowanberry, n [rauen,beri] Sorba La sorba, f Pihlajanmarja

In the previous blog post 4 Language Table Part 02 I spoke about the noun and now we study a bit the adjectives and the first person, indicative present of the be verb. Verbs of being are called linking verbs because they link the subject and the predicative together, for example I (subject) am sensitive (predicative). The adjectives might have own attributes like very, briefly, much and so on. Attributes are most likely adverbs which don't agree with the gender, number or case of the subject.

In English and Interlingua adjectives don't take part in the agreement, in other words, adjectives are not in the same number, gender and case as the noun they refer. None of these languages have these 3 qualitities. In Italian adjectives are in the same number and gender but there are no cases. In Finnish adjectives are in the same number and case as nouns but there are no genders.  

Anyway, now you don't have to think about much the agreement because I hope that you use the linking verb to be in the 1st person, indicative present, for example "I am shy", "Io es timide", "(Io) sono timido (if you're a male); (Io) sono timida (if a female)" and "(Minä) olen ujo." For further knowledge pick up the words from the table and build up own sentences. If you are not sure about your sentence put it in the quatation marks and copy the whole sentence with the quatation marks and paste it in the Google's Search Field. If your sentence is correct you will get many articles where this sentence is showed to you in bold.




perjantai 30. syyskuuta 2016

4 Language Table Part 02

You find the first part of this table at: 

English English pronunciation Interlingua Italiano Suomi



(thou = you, sg)






[hi, strong hi:]





[ʃi, strong ʃi:]







Esso, m; Essa, f


Boy, n



Il ragazzo, m


Girl, n



La ragazza, f


The, sg

[ðə, strong ði:]


Il/lo (l’), sm; la, (l’), sf

There are no articles in Finnish

Beautiful, adj



Bello, m; bella, f


Tall, adj



Alto, m; alta, f


A, an, sg

[ə, strong ei/ən, strong æn]


Un/uno, sm; una, sf

No articles in Finnish

Is, sv





Now you can say in four languages: He is a boy. She is a girl. He is the tall boy. She is the beautiful girl.

You are not able to see in the table that “ragazzo” demands the “un” indefinite article form. Usually descriptive adjectives follow the noun in Italian and they agree with the gender and number of the noun to which they refer.  The following abbreviations are used here: n = noun, adj = adjective, sg = singular, m = masculine, f = feminine, sm = singular masculine, sf = singular feminine and sv = singular verb.

For example: a beautiful house = “una casa bella” because the Italian word “casa” (house) is feminine the adjective must also be feminine. This example goes in Interlingua “un casa belle” and in Finnish “kaunis talo”.