keskiviikko 5. kesäkuuta 2024

Viikon seitsemän päivää; The Days of the Week

 Here are the days of the week in the Ingrian language.




mantaki, sb.



tistaki, sb



sereta, sb.






päätetsä, sb.



soovotta, sb.



suntaki, sb.



Wiktionary does not recognize the words mantaki (Nirvi 303), tistaki (Nirvi 588), and suntaki (Nirvi 550).

Nirvi plus a number refers to the dictionary of Ingrian dialects edited by R. E. Nirvi in ​​1971. Alla kuva kirjan nimilehdestä, missä on

Below is a picture of Nirvi’s dedication inscription to academician Kustaa Vilkuna.

You can enlarge the picture by opening it in a new tab.

PS If you wonder why I am using the English language here, it’s because only some people interested in Ingrian understand Finnish. On the other hand, my Russian knowledge is almost at the zero level.

keskiviikko 15. toukokuuta 2024

Ei oo ehtoisa sia; Not a Lovely Destination

 I have written this poem using the Ingrian language that my grandmother spoke. I checked the conjugations with Wiktionary. I also looked up words from the dictionary of Ingrian dialects that I received a week ago, edited by R. E. Nirvi in 1971.

Ei oo ehtoisa sia

Miun troppa on olt kivegäs.
Siks en pölkää orastuvaa surmaa.
Miä vaa sallin, jod en synny
uuelleen tähä miraa.
Tää mailma ei oo
ehtoisa sia.
© Yelling Rosa



Not a Lovely Destination

My path has been rocky.
That’s why I’m not afraid
of impending death.
I only hope I’m not born
on this planet again.
This world is not
a lovely destination.
© Yelling Rosa



torstai 9. toukokuuta 2024

My Poem in Ingrian and in English

 I have written this poem using the Ingrian language that my grandmother spoke. I checked the conjugations with Wiktionary. I also looked up words from the dictionary of Ingrian dialects that I received a week ago, edited by R. E. Nirvi in 1971.

Miä oon väsynt 

Miä oon väsynt.
Uni ono karttant minnua.
Oon nukkunt vähä,
ku kokkoi taivaal lentää.
Oon nukkunt vähä
ku pölhö pydä hirilöijä.
Miä vaa sallin,
sto koolo tulloo
ennen ko musto
© Yelling Rosa



In English

I’m tired.
Sleep eludes me.
I have slept badly
When the eagle in the sky flies.
I have slept badly
When an eagle owl hunts mice.
I hope
that death will come
before I lose
my memory.
© Yelling Rosa



torstai 28. maaliskuuta 2024

Why Am I Sad, Cur triste sum

Why Am I Sad

Why am I sad?
Why can't I do anything?
Fate has stuffed me with ideas,
But has forgotten to give me
The resources.
Now, I walk and blame myself.
How happy would I be
If I thought less and I could do
© Yelling Rosa


Cur triste sum

Cur triste sum.
Cur nihil facere possum.
Fato habet farcito me
cum ideas sed oblitterābat
dare ad me facultates.
Nunc ambulo et vituperō me.
Quam felice mi esser
si cogito minus
et possum facere
Yelling Rosa


lauantai 23. maaliskuuta 2024

If You Want to Survive


If You Want to Survive

When the memories of youth’s sins
Knock at your old age heart
Don’t open the door.
The open-door policy doesn’t
Make the sins disappear
But paints black also
The wisdom of maturity.
© Yelling Rosa

perjantai 16. helmikuuta 2024

I Saw a Little Angel


I saw a little angel at the edge of the forest.
As I approached her, I saw her crying.
Without asking, she replied:
The forest no longer responds to invitations.
Flora has left this world
because its cruelty shocked her.
Soon, Fauna will be gone, too.
They go to another planet,
where the Creator brings oxygen and water,
but not people.

Why are you crying?

Isn't that a good thing?

We Guardian Angels die

together with those we protect.

We have failed in our mission.

Then we sat on the rock hand in hand

to wait for the end of this world.

I winked at the angel and asked:

"Is this going to take long"?

The girl couldn't be

without smiling.

© Yelling Rosa


lauantai 3. helmikuuta 2024

My Guitar; Cithara meo

 My Guitar

My guitar sounds sad
While being without you.
It has lost a sense
Of sweet love.
© Yelling Rosa

Cithara meo

Cithara meo sona triste
cum re es sine te.
Id ha perdito sensu
de amore dulce.
© Yelling Rosa