tiistai 1. elokuuta 2023

An Evil Apple


I go to the forest and talk to the trees in the woods.

They answer me with the mouths of birds.

Birches and pines are worried,

For the spirit of the forest dwells in them.

They tell me,

When a tree falls, the soul shrinks,

Until it is too weak to survive.

I answer that I feel great shame,

Because when the spirit of the forest dies

Every living creature dies

Not only people.



                                                                             I start to cry

A sparrow lands on my shoulder

And says:

I am singing as long as I breathe.

I answer that's what you do:

You comfort us faithless,

Though we don't know

Other tunes than our praise,

Which is other creatures' submission.


When I leave the animals,

They ask if I'm coming back.

I answer that I have not earned their love.

Don't worry because we are blessed.

We are God's joy, love, goodness, and light.

I thank them and think:

This course of events must happen.

When an evil apple ruins the world.

© Yelling Rosa



perjantai 7. heinäkuuta 2023

My Heart is Dancing, Sydämeni tanssii


My Heart is Dancing

My heart is dancing

Because inside me

is the companion.



Sydämeni tanssii

Sydämeni tanssii,

koska minussa

on kumppani.


tiistai 30. toukokuuta 2023

Fraus orgia habet; Fraud Has Orgies



Fraus orgia habet

Mi volo currere domum.
Ibi vita est pulchra.
Deformitas non subsequitur
in cubiculum meum.
Sed ubi est domus mea?
Mi non vidio trans fraudem,
quae orgia habet ubique.
© Yelling Rosa



Fraud Has Orgies

I want to run home.
Life there is beautiful.
Deformity does not follow
Into my bedroom.
But where is my house?
I do not see beyond the fraud
That has orgies everywhere.
© Yelling Rosa

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