Эта песня о человеке, который потерял имущество.
и, войдя в неизвестном направлении.
Сначала, человек Горько мире, но воспоминания о материнской любви заставляет ее забыть прошлое и начать все сначала.
Наконец, он вспоминает детство любимой яблоню и верит в будущее.
Yelling Rosa (Кричать Роза)
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Lyrics in English
Experienced in these years
Listen to:
Too much, I have experienced in these years,
Too many are those who owe me tears.
I remember that gray platform
Where the rain carried a friend.
Then do not bloom
My dear apple trees,
Neither anyone whispered in my ear:
Darling, do not forget me.
Never I have been afraid
Yet on this trip until tomorrow.
Little boy has avoided the dangers
side by side the kind woman reflection.
The refrain
I know mothers weeping eyelids
Do not explain the words out loud,
They just give their love for guidance
and prayers for protection.
The final two times:
Now bloom my dear
Sacred apple trees.
They have the heavenly scent,
The fragrance that never go away.
Music and Lyrics by Ilkka Pakarinen 1982,
record out in 1983.