sunnuntai 14. tammikuuta 2018

Impossible to Empathize

Pain is impossible to empathize.
It looks through its own glasses.
It causes jealousy because others
Have paid less and absolutely it
Demands credit to the bearer
Who forced it to fall.
© Yelling Rosa
14/1 -18

Because there are differences of opinions about the size of pain, the sufferer doesn't get sympathy and a winner is left without credit. Actually, it's a miracle that I have gotten along this well with my broken memory and smashed brains. And this helps me more to know that there will be no understanding from others because they don't know what I have gone through like I don't know their pain. Bigger or less, make no difference, I can only row my boat with my own oars on the common lake. It's a totally other game which I don't take part in here. If my boat is rocked by others, there's very little I can do about.

When I was ten years old I was at the secondary school admission test. At this time pupils were supposed to know how to write from dictation. I dropped out during the first sentence because my short time memory has been always weak. When the second sentence started my game was over. The participants were forced to be at present till the school bell rang. I came home after the admission like I were sold my country. My parents were at work and I knew that I had to be alone a couple of hours. It didn't help me. For some reason, I went to the medicine cabinet and looked at the small bottles, at the time there weren't nothing but glass packages for drugs. I got goose-flesh when I saw one particular bottle in my hand.

My best friend has said a couple of months ago that the bottle content sleeping pills and if someone took all of them he would kick off. I don't remember how I felt, was I afraid or sad, but in any event I swallowed the whole content. Quite fast afterwards I started to feel dizzy, fever and my stomach was sick. Not many times anyone can say that they are relieved while vomiting but I did. I just forgot what was coming up, or I thought was coming. After being for some time in the other world, I realized that I am not going to die and in the mirror, I saw like a fellow with heavy fever and head cold. My eyes were reddish from intense coughing, blowing the nose and vomiting. I was disappointed with being alive, but happy because I could say to my mother that I have got cold and the symptoms will back me up.

Since starting elementary school, I had been trouble with the reading and writing. In the fourth grade I started keeping up with other pupils. Perhaps that's why I was so shocked to fail at admission test. I was depressed the whole summer, but I believe that nobody noticed it because I was a lot on my own, anything new in my case. At the end of the summer I went again to the test. This time the participants didn't have to write from dictation. I passed the test and started my secondary school on the first of September.

My troubles with memorizing things have not stopped. I am still pushing things in my mind, but I have invented tricks which help me. Now, when I am getting old, I have been very worried about if my long time memory gets bad. I have survived with its help. Many may wonder why I am studying so many language with my background, but somehow I learn one thing better by feeding it with other things. Perhaps the thing is nothing else than repeating the learning stuff, but I like it this way. Anyway, I have drawn the conclusion it’s better for me to concentrate on fewer subjects for now on.

Because writing in English causes me a lot of stress I have decided to concentrate more on Finnish. I see that I have to continue here because anyone here shows the lightest intention to favor my Finnish blog at but you will pay the price. I won’t check up every sentence I’ll publish here but concentrate only on the orthography of my poems. On the other it is a line drawn in the water when the English is the question. This time I made some spell check but not much.

I close the comments here this time because I am not begging for sympathy or pity. I have written this to myself. Now when my shortage is not private knowledge, I hope that I feel myself free. I have confessed that I can’t ever come a brilliant prosaist because I lack the resources. Short poems are available mostly in Finnish but also a bit in English because I see them before my eyes all the time written on the paper for example. This doesn’t happen with the large memorizing quantities. I hope that this confession helps me to get better sleep.

Of course it is funny to click the like button when someone is lacking something which normally is at present 100 pro cent, but you can like this article if you have liked my poems and because I have been able to write them and perhaps because you hope that I can still write them. The only thing I wish is that you could visit my Finnish blog at least once.

keskiviikko 10. tammikuuta 2018

Oodi Bill Gatesille

win 10

Hei Bill,
Anteeksi, että häiritsen sinua. Istun tässä, koska vaimoni ei lopeta sättimistään – niin ja näin meidän kesken – eikä ole halukas sänkypuuhin ennen kuin kiitän sinua. Voit vain arvata, kuinka koville se ottaa kiittää miestä, jonka tietokonekäyttöjärjestelmä vaatii jatkuvasti päivityksiä ja niiden valmistumisen odottamista. Joskus on jopa käännöstekstin deadline ylittynyt. Alkuvuosien vitutuksesta päästyäni aloin keksiä oheispuuhaa, että odotusaika kuluisi nopeammin. Siinä sitten Windows – systeemin käydessä ristiriitaista sisäistä dialogia, vanhat opiskeluaikaiset piirustustaidot vertyivät. Ajan oloon, aikaahan tässä on ollut yli 20 vuotta, alkoivat ne parantua merkittävästi.

Vuosi sitten vaimoni kannustamana pidin kuvataidenäyttelyn Helsingin Bulevardilla maankuulussa kuvagalleriassa. Ihme, että pääsin sinne. Näyttelyni oli menestys ja tauluni myyntiin loppuun niillä uskomattomilla lähtöhinnoilla, joita vaimoni niille määräsi. Hän, etevä liikenainen, lohdutti minua ennen näyttelyä: hintoja voi aina laskea, mutta tuskin koskaan korottaa ostajan nokan alla. Suostuin pitäen itseäni modernina viisaana miehenä, joka osaa ohjailla vaimoaan tämän edes sitä käsittämättä. Kuka maksaisi ensikertalaisen tauluista tähtitieteellisiä summia? Väärässä taas.

Eniten minua kuitenkin harmittaa se, että vaikka olemme pystyneet saamaan kotitaloutemme vakaamalle pohjalla taulumyymistä saatujen tulojen ansiosta, en ole saanut kiitosta vaimoltani vaan minun on kiitettävä sinua. Hän sanoo, että ennen Windows – käyttöjärjestelmään perehtymistä en osannut syödä purukumia ja kävellä yhtä aikaa. Ja lisää, että nyt minä muistan kaikki toimeksiannot ja toteutan seuraavan päivän tehtävät, vaikka olisin kuullut ne edellisiltana käännöstyöni tuoksinassa.

Näin minä sitten kiitän sinua ja lähetän näyttelyni arvokkaimman tauluni sinulle. Vaimoni oli jo ennen näyttelyä päättänyt, että siitä taulusta, josta ollaan valmiita maksamaan korkein hinta, lähtee Bill Gatesille. Voitko kuvitella halaukset sinulle ja taulut minulta.

Matti Ivarson

PS Vaimoni huutelee tuolta olohuoneesta, että rakkaat terveiset sinulle myös häneltä ja että hän suunnittelee jo seuraavaa näyttelyä. Nimi on Hulda

sunnuntai 7. tammikuuta 2018

The Gospels in Anglish

Otsikko tulee Julian Montinaro kirjoittamasta kirjasta “The Gospels in Anglish”, jonka posteljooni pudotti luukustani 29.12.2017. Tilasin kirjan osoitteesta Se maksoi 10, 49 euroa, minkä päälle tulivat vielä toimituskulut. Raamatun evankeliumit (The Gospels) on kirjoitettu englannilla, joka pyrkii korvaamaan latinalais- ja kreikkalaisperäiset sanat mahdollisella germaanisilla vastineilla. Lue Anglish –ilmiöstä enemmän täältä.

The Gospels in Anglish © Yelling Rosa 2018 Smaller 
Kuva The Gospels in Anglish -kirjan kansikuvasta (ISBN 978-0-557-83132-6) ja kaksikielisestä Uudesta testamentistani

Kirjan takaosassa on Anglish – English WORDBOOK, ei siis dictionary. Sanasto, vaikka tässä puhutaankin sanakirjasta, perustuu suurimmaksi osaksi osoitteessa olevaan sanastoon.



Suomen kieli

Matt. 5

Matthew 5, New King James Version

Matteus 5, vuonna 1992 käyttöön otettu suomennus

1. And seeing the droves, he went up into a barrow: and when he was set, his loreknights came unto him:

And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him.

Nähdessään kansanjoukot Jeesus nousi vuorelle. Hän istuutui, ja opetuslapset tulivat hänen luokseen.

2. And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,

Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying:

Silloin hän alkoi puhua ja opetti heitä näin:

3. Blessed are the arm in ferth: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

“Autuaita ovat hengessään köyhät, sillä heidän on taivasten valtakunta.

4. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be frovered.

Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted.

Autuaita murheelliset: he saavat lohdutuksen.

5. Blessed are the meek: for they shall erve the earth.

Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.

Autuaita kärsivälliset: he perivät maan.

6. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after rightsomeness: for they shall be filled.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst righteousness, For they shall be filled.

Autuaita ne, joilla on vanhurskauden nälkä ja jano: heidät ravitaan.

7. Blessed are the ruthful: for they shall underfang ruth.

Blessed are the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy.

Autuaita ne, jotka toisia armahtavat: heidät armahdetaan.

8. Blessed are the siver in heart:  for they shall see God.

Blessed art the pure in heart, For they shall see God.

Autuaita puhdassydämiset: he saavat nähdä Jumalan.

9. Blessed are the frithmakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.

Autuaita ovat rauhantekijät: he saavat Jumalan lapsen nimen.

10. Blessed are they which are dretched for rightsomeness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Autuaita ovat ne, joita vanhurskauden vuoksi vainotaan: heidän on taivasten valtakunta.

Englannin kielen harmonisointi on loistava idea, jota tällä hetkellä toteutetaan lähinnä vapaaehtoisvoimin. Näin jotkin sanaehdotukset ovat, ainakin minun mielestäni, melko kankeita. Anglish –idea kaipaisi taakseen kielitieteilijöitä ja suuria yliopistoja, jotta germaanispohjaiset sanat ja sanajohdokset olisivat yhtenäisiä ja idiomaattisia. Latinalais- ja kreikkalais- ja muista ei germaanisista lainoista luopuminen on perustelua, koska englannin kielen perusrakenne on germaaninen. Katso aiheesta oleva video.

maanantai 1. tammikuuta 2018

Happy to the Core – Läpikotaisin onnellinen


When the evening

Arrives into the world

I am happy to the core.

The darkness doesn't flirt nor boast

But consoles in the silent voice

My modest needed heart.

It predicts the coming of the royal


And the stars on the ballroom's roof

With the pillars called trees,

And most of all, free entrance

For creatures which the day hasn't

The faintest clue like the light

Doesn't know the ambiguity

Who teaches the dance steps.

© Yelling Rosa

1/1 -18


Suomen kieli

to the core

läpeensä, läpikotaisin






saapua, tulla perille



















in the silent voice

hiljaisella äänellä






tarpeellinen, kaivattu



it predicts

se ennustaa



of the royal night

kuninkaallinen, majesteettinen yö









pillars called trees

puiksi kutsutut pylväät

most of all

tässä: ennen kaikkea

free entrance

ilmainen sisäänpääsy




joka, mikä, tässä: joista

the day hasn’t the faintest clue

päivällä ei ole harmainta aavistustakaan






moniselitteisyys, epäselvyys


joka (ihmisestä)



dance steps


tiistai 26. joulukuuta 2017


The table below was my starting point where I started to translate my aphorism "Unelma" into Russian. It is from my second poem collection, "Paljon on meneillään", published in 1994, ISBN 951-97103-0-2. As you can see that I haven't conjugated Russian verbs neither inflected nouns.









который не

katoryj ne

joka ei

which don't









моя жизнь, f

maja žyznj


my life

которая не летает,
несёт мою жизнь.

© Yelling Rosa


This is the result which i have got from using dictionaries, grammar books, Google translator and search.

joka ei lennä,
kantaa elämääni.
© Yelling Rosa

The dream,
Which doesn’t fly,
Carries my life.
© Yelling Rosa

Even though there are a few unsolved questions. Firstly, I’m not sure does the word “мечта» mean both “unelma” (dream) and “haave” (dream). In Finnish these words have different meanings. “Unelma” is something which can be realized but “haave” is a castle in the air. Perhaps this is the case in Russian as well.

Secondly, I am not sure if I have conjugated the feminine word “жизнь” (life) correctly. The Google search gave me the sentence: Я читал газету. = I read my newspaper => This tells me that nominative is not the same than accusative at least when we talk about the feminine word “газета” (newspaper).

On the other hand, I found the video “Юрий Антонов Несёт меня течение” where the accusative of the word “течение” (current) is the same as the nominative. Perhaps this is the case with the word the жизнь (life).


If I had a good luck everything is in order, otherwise not. I feel that i have at least 55 % chance to have a correct translation. I would appreciate if there is someone who could give more information on this. In this case I can speak about the translation because the text runs without figure of speech and has no idiomatic language. The birds fly everywhere in a same way and we carry things in only one way. Still, even I say it myself, this aphorism has a message. In fact, it was my style to hide a surprise inside the most common phrases. Many people, who have read the book, say that the method works. I am not saying this in order to show off, but to tell the original idea of the expression. Sometimes any kind of translation is impossible from one language into another.

Moreover, perhaps the English version doesn’t work. I have mostly written my English poems using English because translating is a dangerous business.

maanantai 18. joulukuuta 2017

How to Write English Differently

As a member of outside English language family I have always been fed up with the way the English language is written. Even Stephen Pollington says in his book Wordcraft (ISBN 9781898281535) on the page 16: “Unlike modern English, where a number of spelling traditions have been unhappily brought together and produced chaos, Old English spelling is generally very straightforward”. Some pronunciation symbols here come from his book and some other from the dictionaries.

The Letter A in English © Yelling Rosa

Add when it sounds: ə, æ, ʌ, but not when [a] is pronounced [ei], as it should be pronounced. Symbols must be use also when other letters sound as described at the beginning this chapter. What about sound “ph”? It must be “f”. Ou is ə. “Th” is ð.

We mʌst əkʌstem people to ðə précis fysical exæminaʃən so ðæt ðey nəu how precəs it is now.
=> We must accustom people to the precise physical examination so that they know how preceous it is now.

I don’t understand where have the English people got their pronunciation because a is pronounced mainly in French as [a] and in Latin also. Perhaps it comes from the Old English somehow.

Of course those symbols could be different but the main idea is to minimize the confusion. This is only a quickly made pattern, and the final works should be done at English universities by their linguists with the help of computers. That’s why I left the word people untouched because I don’t know if eo is always ii.

torstai 14. joulukuuta 2017

Ilmainen joulukortti 2017

Alla oleva joulukortti on tarkoitettu vain yksityiseen käyttöön.

Joulu Final E00 © Yelling Rosa pienempi

Jos haluat lisätä omat terveiset käytä tekstitöntä versiota.

Joulu Final E01 © Yelling Rosa

Oikein Hyvää Joulua kaikille!

Yelling Rosa Signature 02

Joulukorttivideo: Xmas Cards by Yelling Rosa

PS Voit kopioida kaikki alla olevan kollaasin kuvat suomen- ja/tai englanninkielisinä täältä: Postcard Slideshow.htm#frp01

Xmas©Yelling RosaCollage Smaller