There is a problem.
Humans use their hearts
for thinking
and brains
not at all.
© Yelling Rosa
29/7 –15
Il ha un problema.
Humanos usa lor cordes
quanto a pensar
e lor cerebros
non del toto.
© Yelling Rosa
© Traducite al interlingua
per Marcus Scriptor
If this were the other way round we would make love (read: to take care of your existing neighbours) and not babies because we are already too many for this planet. But surprisingly we thinking with the emotions and brains are just for justify our feelings and wants. The best I have heard so far is that there will be no lack in food as we can always start cultivating flies and other insects. The farming will be a success even earth doesn't grow just much anymore. Luckily this person, who I cite here, doesn't belong to my friends. I couldn't take him everyday even for the million Euros a year.
The final trigger for this post was the debate on MP Olli Immonen's FB Wall comment last Saturday. He writes:
I'm dreaming of a strong, brave nation that will defeat this nightmare called multiculturalism. This ugly bubble that our enemies live in, will soon enough burst into a million little pieces. Our lives are entwined in a very harsh times. These are the days, that will forever leave a mark on our nations future. I have strong belief in my fellow fighters. We will fight until the end for our homeland and one true Finnish nation. The victory will be ours.
There is no doubt about that he has used too much his heart and thought too little while writing this. Then, what about those who judge Immonen? They are not better than the one they are pointing out but sweeping the crumbs (the immigrations problem) under the carpet by announcing noble ideas of humanity and equality and brotherhood. In spite of their sanctimony no country in this world is able to take immigrants without controlling the migration. The left wing politicians who have attacked furiously against Immonen have fight against the capitalism in their political protocol and speeches for more than 100 years. Now they are critisising the same lyrical speech they use themselves.
The real issue here is that we are too many on earth. Moreover we are using resources like there weren't a day after this. This way of life is impoverishing this planet and people are running away from the poorest countries. Of course among refuses are adventures but the distress is a real thing and growing every day most likely to the point of chaos. The globalism is a real time bomb but it is giving almost nothing for the most of us. It is true that China is capable of manufacturing products in cheap way but it causes unemployment in the western countries without saying how much transporting products pollutes air and use the oil.
The human kind is on the edge of the knife. Does it keep on denying the facts to the end of the times or do we pull ourselves together. The local food culture and exchange economy are in question. The wealth countries must help poorer countries to make the localism possible. The birth control is not an option but the imperative necessity. The tourism is not possible as long as it uses oil. Many of you might ask whether that kind of life is possible but to them I will answer what else we can do if we like to next generations to live here. Foretelling is impossible but better be sure than sorry. The less we are the more earth will love us.
All the best to all of us as we will need it!
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